To English speaking visitors.....



This site was placed on Internet late March 2000. There is quite a bit of written data and I backed up when I realized the workload required to translate everything....

So, instead, I have added a brief summary on each page in a scrolling message in the status bar (look at the botton of the pages).

I will try to summarize the general site content below: 

Origin of the name and of the traceable family: The most ancient identifiable bearer of the name Nithart / Nithard is found in the 9th century as a grand son of Charles the Great (Charlemagne). Between the 10th and 14 th century, several Nithart are found in the Catholic hierarchy (see page "mes enigmes").

The traceable family is found in a village located 15 klm south from Mulhouse in southern Alsace, near the Rhine river.It is called Eschentzwiller. Church registers provide data from around 1550 to now. However, as you can see on page "documents" more ancient members of the family in that village are traced back to around 1230/1250.

There are lots of dispersions all over Alsace, France, Europe and the USA. Dispersions are with various "phonetic" spellings (I identified more than 30 so far between Eschentzwiller and Rixheim). Some typical examples are in England and the US with, among others: Neatheart, Needhardt and Nightheart!!For a number of these dispersions I have no clear linkage due to insufficient or lack of written data before the 16th century. For a quick glance, go to page "Europe + USA" under "la genealogie/dispersions".

About the site: There are more than 60 different pages. To visualize all the pages and access them directly, go to page "plan du site". Genealogy files ( gedcom or lists) amount to-day to 26 pages found under "la Genealogie" and "autres dispersions". All these files can be downloaded. Ziped Gedcom files are located in page "telechargement". More than 10 pages* are devoted to historical data, including the villages of origin. There is one page on Alsacian coat of arms, including our family. A page is devoted to unresolved questions, it is named "mes enigmes". There are other pages that you can discover, including pictures of villages/old family houses (17th century)  and of my ham radio equipment (call sign F6ADZ).etc.

If you like nice middle age pictures, go to page "images du Moyen Age". For more, visit the German site indicated on that page, it is very interesting!

If you come accross a Nithart, Nithard, Nitard, Neidhart,Neatheart  Nighthart etc that I do not have, PLEASE give me the information by e-mail! Thanks in advance...

* Translation help is welcome... translation software don't do a good job on this kind of literature.

I hope you will appreciate your visit! Thank you.

    address is available on the main mage
